
Boost Employee Performance with a People-Centric Approach

Understanding ways to improve work performance is crucial for tech leaders and CIOs aiming to drive organizational success. Often, employees only consider their work performance during annua…

Know the Six Risk Mitigation Strategies That Have High Impact

Did you know by 2029, the enterprise risk management market is set to surge, reaching a staggering USD 6.20 billion at a steady growth rate of 5.04%? This underscores the risk of escalating…

How to Develop an Effective Project Delivery Method

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) unveils a startling fact: 20% of 10,000 projects fail to achieve half their intended goals. Gartner amplifies this concern, noting that 51% of projects fail to m…

Need a Robust ERM Framework? Here’s Your Guide to Build One

Would it astonish you that 70% of executives lack the insight to foresee emerging risks effectively? This alarming figure clearly illustrates that conventional enterprise risk management (ER…

The Key to Thriving: How to Do Business Strategy Planning

According to Innosight’s “Strategic Readiness and Disruptive Change” survey, only 12% of organizations had sustainable business strategy planning for over 5 years. The other 88% lack a forma…

Consensus on AI: You Need to Get Smarter

In a recent blog on the PM College site, I rounded up a series of articles I’d read recently in the business press, all of which focused on a similar theme: that AI will help us to grow in e…